2023-04-23 06:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Greensburg Office: I've had an absolute horrid experience at this unethical, incompetence-filled establishment and would certainly not recommend anyone, who wants proper and fast treatment, waste a moment here. I put up with the foolishness and incompetence and stupidity and unfriendliness from here for far too long because I was normally only going in for simple cleanings every 6 months and felt I could endure it when it's only twice a year I go there. But today I HAD it. First off, I found out from a receptionist (yes, from a WORKER of all people) and from personal experience sitting in the waiting room for an excessive amount of time, that the Doctors schedule more than one person for the same time slots, or as some call it 'double-book' appointments. I had an appointment this month (earlier in January) and the waiting room was packed and I waited for OVER an hour (I hour and 15 mins. approximately) until I HAD ENOUGH and decided to reschedule. Then when I called to leave a message (it was before the office opened when I left the message) to say I had to cancel again, this time due to my sleep problem/chronic insomnia, I received a voice message from a worker at the office saying there hadn't even been a scheduled appointment for that day. Imagine if I had not cancelled and then was there waiting for an appointment they apparently, it seems, Forgot to schedule into the computer (I even had the card with the date and time and put it the Very day on my calendar so this was their foolish and careless error). Now, today, I came in for the SAME problem that was NOT resolved on the day I waited over an hour: an upper tooth of mine was chipped due to an unethical incident at the Westmoreland Hospital, and I needed it drilled then filled so that it would match the one right next to it. Now when I had come in for my cleaning earlier in January, I had Tried to see if they would work on it while I was already there after the cleaning was completed, as years ago when I had chipped the Very same tooth (and they tried to tell me it was the opposite one even though others I knew had seen my chipped tooth, and I had obviously seen my chipped tooth and KNEW more than them which one was damaged and cracked badly) a Doctor HAD fixed it that very day using the SAME method (though, 'I' had to point out the damage even though he is Supposed to be a Professional and fix what is damaged without prompting, but of course with a patient's permission, and with an explanation of what must be done). It was so easy to see, and the Doctor had to look in my mouth after the cleaning, so I shouldn't have needed to tell him, "Fix this chipped tooth..." etc. for him to KNOW to do it, but back then, years ago that is how it went down. Now back then, my Insurance had covered the cost.Today, though, I went back (I waited this time about 10-15 mins. to be called back, which wasn't great, but Not as BAD as the last time I waited, and in frustration and anger rescheduled), and had my X-rays taken- which FYI they hadn't taken in a WHILE, even though in the past my X-rays would be taken before my cleanings. I had to actually tell them I needed the X-rays and last time when I told them they wouldn't take them. The dental hygienist did mention it needing done but this had been some time after my former cleanings where the 'non-professionals' Neglected to do this for me: their JOB they apparently are unwilling Or UNABLE to perform ethically and Responsibly. Now I waited there in the room after the X-rays (past 2 now, and my appointment Began at 1:45pm, by the way), and in a bit the Doctor and ditzy, twit 'assistants' returned to tell me After the fact: your Insurance won't cover for your tooth to be repaired because it's Cosmetic and Not a cavity or a crack that is spreading, but if I wanted (and I told them Last time I didn't) they Would smooth it, and the Insurance Would cover THAT. But, HELLO, Fools, it is NOT technically cosmetic, as my tooth was Damaged and didn't look this way before, or better yet if it IS Technically cosmetic as it is Not life-threatening, then That simply means that it is cosmetic to have surgery/skin grafts done on a patient who is Alive and no longer in danger from the fire, but whose skin is hideously damaged and atrocious looking. That IS a more Extreme and seemingly-cold and cruel, insensitive example but my point is the SAME: in Each case, there is damage that changes a person's appearance in a way that is Unpleasant and Ugly, and is NOT the Former appearance of this person, and in Order to fix their looks to the Way it WAS Before the damage, medical assistance is needed/necessary, Unless the person is a Surgeon/Dentist/Doctor, etc. or Other medical worker, and is able to repair the damage her or his-self- or could care less about his or her 'original' appearance before the damage done to them. So I waited all this time and put up with incompetence and indifference, for what: to be told 'NO we will Not fix your tooth'.






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